Dec 7, 2011

Computer Won't Turn On

Lots of people got problem in their computer regarding on its turning on. Some reason why computer won't turn on is very easy to fix and easy to know. Now we will discuss the 5 basic reasons why computer won't turning on.

Here are some reasons why computer won't turn on.

1. Power failure. Make sure that the outlet where your computer plug in have electricity on it. You can test it by plugging in electronic devices like electric fan or DVD player. If those devices works, it means there is no problem in electricity.

2. Power chord not tightly plug in. Make sure that the power chord that was plug in the outlet is tight and it is tightly plug in at the back of the computer. This is the common problem that encountered by many computer user. You can plug it out and plug it in again to make sure it is plug in correctly.

3. Faulty Power button. This problem occur if you press the power button of the computer and the computer won't turn on. Based on my experience, it is the power button switch is faulty or its holder inside the computer case is already broken. You can open up the case of your computer to see if the power button switch is already broken. If the power switch holder is broken you can fix it in any means.

4. Faulty Power Supply Unit. If the power supply is not functioning, the computer won't turn on. There is a way to know if the power supply is working or not. Press the power button then look at the back of computer. See if the fan of power supply spinning or not. If not, the poweer supply is the problem. You have to replace the power supply with the new one..

5. Faulty Motherboard. This is the worst reason why your computer won't turn on. This occur when you press the power button and nothing happen. This is the signs of faulty motherboard. The power supply fan is spinning, no bee sound, the fan of processor is spinning and but still the computer won't turn on.

Hope you can pinpoint the reason why your computer won't turn on with this article. If you have question about the computer that won't turn on, you can ask me. I will answer those questions with all my knowledge


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