Jul 16, 2012

0x8004210B Outlook 2003 error

This is the error message appear when my co-worker send
email message on Outlook 2003.

0x8004210B error

It occurs so many time in my co-workers computer. But
there is a very simple solution to solve the problem.

Close and open the Outlook 2003. Yes, as simple as that.
This is the always solution I made to fix the problem.
0x8004210B error occures when Outlook 2003 failed to
connect to the email server. Closing and opening the Outlook
2003 will refresh the application to work properly.

If this doesn't solve your problem, let us discuss it.


  1. http://www.recoverytoolbox.com/repair_outlook.html scans, identifies and gives back corrupted and crashed .pst files

  2. Thanks Tom for your recommending the tools in repairing outlook problems. I will try that software.
